Zhunti continued to drink: "You’re all yelling, and you don’t look like a spiritual body. How can a man of practice laugh here when his mouth is open and his tongue is moving? "



"Dare not deceive the teacher, the other the Monkey King practice changes. Teach him to change into a pine tree, and it turned out to be a pine tree. Later, he became a master, and it was really the same as the master. The disciples all praised him, so they shouted their respect for the teacher and asked for forgiveness. " They bowed their heads and replied.
After hearing this, Zhunti shook his head and said, "Well, I don’t blame you this time. Let’s all go!"
When they heard this, they all thanked each other and said, "Thank you, Master. The disciples are excused." Say that finish, change their left.
The Monkey King originally saw quasi-mention, and his heart was very uneasy. Now he doesn’t blame quasi-mention, and a hanging heart is put down. He mingled with the crowd and wanted to leave. I didn’t want to, but I heard Zhunti say, "Wukong, come here!"
The Monkey King smell speech, a heart hung up again. Crustily stepping forward, the Monkey King knelt down and said, "Disciple is here. What’s the master’s command?"
Zhunti looked at the Monkey King and said, "Wukong, let me ask you something. Is it necessary for you to show off your skills in front of others?"
When the Monkey King heard this, he quickly kowtowed and said, "Master, I know my mistake, so please ask Master to punish me."
"I don’t think it’s in the nature of a man to cultivate truth that you are so kind, that’s all, that’s all. I don’t blame you. You’d better go." Quasi-mention.
The Monkey King smell speech, also didn’t think much, nodded "oh", then got up and left.
The Monkey King got up and walked for two or three steps. It suddenly occurred to him that what Master had just said to everyone was scattered. Why did he tell me to leave? Startled, the Monkey King quickly turned around and knelt down again: "Master, where do you want me to go?"
"Go back where you came from!" Zhunti replied.
The Monkey King smell speech, a big surprise, the whole people sat down on the ground.
"You and I are doomed. You’d better go back to your Huaguoshan." Quasi-mention.
"Teacher, the disciple is wrong. You can punish the disciple any way you want, as long as you don’t drive me away. Disciple has been deeply indebted to Master for more than 20 years. Now, how can I leave without repaying my teacher’s kindness? " The Monkey King knelt before Zhunti again, pleading with a sad face.
Seeing the Monkey King like this, Zhunti was also reluctant, but for his own big plan, Zhunti snapped, "Go back to your Huaguoshan quickly, and don’t stay here."
"Master, I haven’t repaid you, how can I leave!" The Monkey King tears way.
This monkey is really a man who values affection and righteousness. Seeing that he was so sad, he felt a soft heart and said, "Wukong, don’t be sad. Today, you and I are bound to end up here. This is God’s will. Go back to Huaguo Mountain first, and there will be a day when you and I will meet again."
When the Monkey King heard Zhunti say this, he asked, "Is this true, Master?"
"You monkey, when did you trick you for the teacher?" Quasi-mention laughed.
Seeing that Master was not blaming himself, but expelling himself from his legacy, the Monkey King finally smiled through tears.
"You leave today, and you are not allowed to talk about my name to anyone in the future, and you can’t rely on your skills to bully good into evil. Do you remember!" Quasi-mention.
"Don’t worry, Master, I know!" The Monkey King replied.
"Well, you can leave here, and be careful in the future." Must mention motioning with his hand.
"Disciple bid farewell to Master!" The Monkey King kowtow way.
After the Monkey King said goodbye to Zhunti, he twisted his tactic, threw a tug, set up a somersault cloud, and went to Dongsheng Shenzhou Huaguo Mountain.
When he saw Wukong leave, he dismissed his disciples from the cave and drove directly back to the Dojo 33 days away. Jinde Dojo definitely changed back to his original body and smiled at Amitabha: "Brother Buddha, my disciple has started his career now, so everything will wait for an opportunity."
Amitabha heard this and nodded, "Good!"
Besides, the Monkey King drove a somersault cloud, and within an hour, he saw the water curtain cave of Huaguoshan. Press Yuntou and land on Huaguo Mountain. the Monkey King goes straight to water curtain cave. During the trip, the Monkey King suddenly heard cranes chirping and apes chirping, and the crane chirping rushed out of the sky, which made the apes cry sadly. He listened and cried, "Children, I’m back!" "
I saw monkeys jumping out of the cliff, among the flowers and trees, if they were big or small, surrounded by a the Monkey King and kowtowed and cried, "Your Majesty, how relieved you are! What took you so long? Flash us all here, I hope you are as hungry as you are! Recently, a demon bullied us here and tried to occupy our water curtain cave House. We risked our lives to fight with him. During these times, that fellow robbed our house fire, arrested many sons and nephews, and taught us to stay up all night and guard our family business. Fortunately, the king has come. If the king can’t come in the next year, we’ll all belong to others. "
Hearing this, the Monkey King was furious and said, "What evil spirit dares to bully you! Tell me in detail, now your Majesty, I have learned all kinds of skills, and I will find him to avenge you. "
"Your Majesty, that fellow calls himself the devil incarnate." A monkey replied.
The Monkey King said, "Do you know where he lives and how far it is from here?"
The monkeys said, "It’s cloudy when he comes, foggy when he goes, or wind or rain, or electricity or thunder. I don’t know how many roads we have."
The Monkey King heard this and thought for a moment. "In that case," said Wukong, "don’t be afraid, and play hard until I get revenge on him."
After that, Wukong jumped up and somersaulted all the way until he looked down to the north and saw a high mountain, which was really steep. The peak of the pen stands upright and the meandering stream is deep.
The Monkey King saw something faintly in the mountains on the cloud, knowing that there would be monsters here, and went down the mountain to look for them.
In a short time, the Monkey King came to a cave and saw that there was a strong need in it. the Monkey King said, it must be here. At the moment, he shouted at the top of his voice, "That bastard, you have bullied my children and grandchildren many times. I have come here specially, so come and die soon."
Also called the Monkey King to find the right place, this is the abode of fairies and immortals of the devil incarnate. At this point, the devil incarnate was drinking in the cave, and when he heard the Monkey King shouting, he felt great anger. The devil incarnate said to the little demon around him, "Take my armor!"
The little demon took it out immediately, and the devil incarnate wore armor and took a knife in his hand, and went out with all the demons.
When the devil incarnate came out of the cave, the Monkey King opened his eyes and saw that the devil incarnate was wearing a golden helmet, reflecting the bright sun. Wearing a robe, floating in the wind. Wearing black armor, tight pimp; Feet like a general with pleated boots. The waist is wide and ten, and the height is three feet. How bright the blade is with a knife in your hand.
The Monkey King shouted, "Good monster, you call me not here, insult my monkey monkey grandson, and try to occupy my water curtain cave. Today, you must look good."
When the devil incarnate saw the Monkey King with his bare hands, wearing a red collar, a yellow silk sash and a pair of black boots, he was neither a monk nor a Taoist immortal. He immediately smiled and said, "You have no flesh, you are not a monk, you are not vulgar, and you have come to die with your bare hands!"
The Monkey King was also furious when he asked, and scolded, "You demon-throwing, you have no eyes! You measure me small, but it is not difficult to be big. You measure me unarmed, and my two hands are on the horizon! Don’t be afraid, just take a punch from me! " As soon as you jump up, you hit me in the face.
The devil incarnate stretched out his hand to hold the Monkey King, saying, "You are so short and I am so tall. If you use your fist, I will use my knife to kill you, and people will laugh at you. Wait until I put down my knife and make a fist fight with you."
The devil in the world threw off his shelf and hit him, and Wukong went up to meet him. He punched and kicked with two fists, one punching and one bumping. It turned out that the long fist was empty and the short cluster was firm. The devil in the world was stabbed by Wukong, hit his crotch and hit him hard with a few tendons. At this time, he felt his anger flash across Wukong’s attack, picked up the big steel knife and cut it at Wukong’s head. Wukong hurried away, and he cut an empty space. Seeing that he was fierce, Wukong pulled out a handful of hairs, chewed them in his mouth, looked at the air and sprayed them out, shouting, "Change!" That is to say, they become 300 or 200 little monkeys, jump forward and jump back, climb up and surround a devil incarnate, hug, pull and pull, drill the crotch, pull the foot, kick and blow the hair, pick out the eyes, twist the nose, lift the drum, and make a saving plate.
The devil incarnate couldn’t stand it, so he had to cast a spell to blow a demon wind, blow away the monkey conjured by the Monkey King, and then fled against the wind.
When the Monkey King saw that the devil had escaped, he didn’t go after him. He smiled in situ and said, "With this skill, you dare to call him a devil. You really don’t want to be ashamed."
After laughing, the Monkey King went into the cave and wiped out all the goblins, big and small. However, he shook his hair and put it on his upper body. He found that the one who couldn’t put it on his upper body was the little monkey that the devil had captured in water curtain cave. the Monkey King asked, "Why are you here?"
About 30 or 50 of them said tearfully, "I was quarreled with the King after he went to cultivate immortality, and we were all arrested in the past two years. Isn’t that a family fire in our cave? Stone pots and bowls have all been brought by this fellow. "
The Monkey King said, "Since it’s ours, you all move out." Then a fire was set in the cave, which burned it dry and became one. He said to the monkeys, "Come back with me."
The monkeys said, "Your Majesty, when we came, we only heard the wind blowing in one ear and drifted here in vain, and we didn’t know the way. How can we go back to our hometown now?"
The Monkey King said, "How difficult is that? I know everything now, I know everything, and I can do it. You all closed your eyes, don’t be afraid! "
After that, the Monkey King said a spell, rode in a strong wind, and the clouds fell, calling, "Children, open your eyes." All the monkeys are down to earth and recognize their hometown. They are all happy and all rush to the old road of Dongmen. All the monkeys in the cave crowded together and entered. Order your teeth in different classes and worship the Monkey King. The monkeys said that the Monkey King’s magic was very powerful and asked, "Your Majesty didn’t expect to learn this skill when he went there."
The Monkey King said, "I drifted with the current, across the eastern ocean, to Nanbu Island, and learned to be a portrait. After traveling around for more than a year, I was lucky to meet an ancestor and spread the true fruit of my longevity with heaven, the method of immortality. "
At this time, the Monkey King smiled again: "Little children, now I have surnames in this door."
The monkeys asked, "What is the big wang xing?"
The Monkey King said, "My current surname is Sun, and my legal name is Wukong."
Hearing this, the monkeys applauded and said, "Your Majesty is an old grandson. We are all grandchildren of two Sun San, one family, one country and one family!"
The Monkey King audience monkey was also very happy to say this, and said, "Yes, from now on, all monkeys in Huaguoshan take Sun as their surname, hehe!"
After that, the Monkey King began to play with a group of monkeys and grandchildren in water curtain cave, and it was really a "home".
