At the very least, we should first make it clear that Zhong Sunda’s attention should be more difficult to get, but listening to news should be a good breakthrough. Yuan Ye couldn’t help smiling.



What’s the big deal, so many big people? The man who first spoke said with a smile, at this time, they are also looking forward to this trip. After all, so many big people can see it.
Then the four people in Qianhu Island were noisy again. Others in the restaurant dared not reprimand them. After all, these four people are too strong and they are the brothers of Qianhu Island. This is the headquarters of Qianhu Island.
Be quiet, you four seniors. A deep voice is coming from the corner of the restaurant.
Who is this four people face a change and looked at the sound place at the same time? Yuan Ye is at this time, but there is an anger from Yuan Yeshen. This coercion is overwhelming towards these four people, but others in the restaurant are not aware of it at all.
Not good. Brother Lu, the speaker just now was so scared that he broke into a cold sweat. He felt as if he had been in front of the island owner Lin Yuxuan. He could kill him with one finger.
The oldest and strongest man didn’t know that the four men broke out in a cold sweat at the moment they saw Yuan Ye, more than they felt that their strength was completely crushed and that they were going to be slaughtered by everyone.
Adult, the four of us don’t know that adults are reckless here. The man named Lu Nian forced his heart to fear and respectful way
You are the brothers of Thousand Lakes Island, Yuan Ye said indifferently while drinking wine, and his eyes didn’t even look at these four people.
At that year, respectful way junior four people are brothers of Thousand Lakes Island, ready to return to Zongmen.
Oh, it’s Lin Yuxuan’s younger brother. Look at Lin Yuxuan’s face. Even if I’m invited to your Thousand Lakes Island this time, I’m glad to hear about it. It’s a pity that I haven’t seen it for a long time. I don’t know which island I’m glad to hear about. Tell me about Thousand Lakes Island, but it’s called Thousand Lakes Qiandao Lake Island with a huge area. Zhong Sun Dalin Yuxuan these people are in the central island, but others are not necessarily. If Yuan Ye wants to have fun, he can’t look around.
After all, it’s not a secret that the four elders lived in Qianhu Island. Everyone around them knows that since it’s not a secret, they don’t have to hide it. They immediately laughed and heard that the elders were in the ninth sub-island of Qianhu Island. The sixth Sakura Island is located at the western end of Qianhu Island. The seniors saw that one of the western islands was a cherry tree. That’s it. It’s still very close from here.
This Yuan Ye became cool, and then his back turned to the door. The four young players were still smart enough, but after remembering, see who the restaurant was before the restaurant made a big noise.
Yes, these four people respectfully heard Yuan Ye call Lin Yuxuan tone and even put pressure on them. They decided that this unfathomable man was definitely close to the king.
Stay the four men looked up Yuan Ye has disappeared at this time four people breathed a sigh of relief.
Yuan Ye of Sakurajima took the map of Qianhu Island and gave it to Wan Zunxing at the beginning. This map is very detailed, especially for the distribution of these great forces. It is much more detailed than Sakurajima’s ordinary map, where the estimated roots can’t be found.
Yuan Ye gave this information to Xuan Ying, but he paid great attention to the detailed introduction of every place here. It is very important to say that it is not the first floor of Wan Zunxing that is more detailed than the second floor and the third floor, which is of great help to Yuan Yeqiang in the future.
Compared with the map, Yuan Ye found the first chapter of Sakurajima’s reign very simply.
Guyuda6,000 Lake Island
This is a water island world. You can’t tell whether there is more water or islands. There are many water islands connecting Fiona Fang thousands of miles everywhere. It seems that thousands of islands are divided by water, and a big lake is divided into thousands of small lakes by six places. Although thousands here are an imaginary number, they may not be so many, but the unique scene is that the first floor of Wan Zunxing is unique, not warm in winter and cool in summer. There are more creatures such as fish and birds than some Warcraft at the bottom of the water. Of course, these Warcraft powers are not strong and have long been destroyed by thousands of lakes.
It’s been half a day from Qiushi City, and Yuan Ye’s spirit beast came here in the dark, and Yuan Ye just let the spirit beast hide in the bottom of the water. This spirit beast is not an enemy. 6 Yuan Ye has already entered the range of Qianhu Island, and the spirit beast is also tracking this Yuan Ye breath all the way.
Yuan Ye, an island on the periphery of Qianhu Island, walked all the way. These islands are very close. Directly, bridges are connected to the distance, and there are few boats and ferries. Now Yuan Ye walks with bridges, which are faster than Yuan Ye. Directly, it is a phantom of Wan, which generally faces the west. Sakura Island is in the past, and soon it comes to places where there are many brothers in Qianhu Island.
In a Okojima Qianhu Island, two guards looked at one person from afar and shot up like a phantom.
Two guards were startled so quickly.
The water connection topography of Thousand Lake Island is complex, and this degree is still very large. It is really incredible that it can be so fast.
What should I do if my brother is a master of the rank of honour? First, the guards are facing another avenue, Thousand Lakes Island, but outsiders are not allowed to enter. However, when the strength is respected, it is stipulated that if you meet a master, it doesn’t matter who the rank of honour is usually to visit Thousand Lakes Island, and the people of Thousand Lakes Island will meet even worse. These days, the masters are constantly invited to come. Some masters are fine, but some masters have a strange temper. It’s hard to give people here. If you stop people from getting angry in the previous day, wouldn’t it be the first bad luck for them to blame
What’s stopping me? I don’t want outsiders to come in. That’s because I’m afraid that ordinary people will come over and disturb our cleanup. You’re an expert at stopping. These experts are also the island owners. Don’t go looking for trouble. Another guard immediately lowered himself. At the very least, the outer guard of Qianhu Island turned to the peak strength. That vision is still there.
It’s possible for a master to come to Qianhu Island, but that’s usually when no one will choose to come to Qianhu Island. After all, at this time, a large number of masters have been invited to Qianhu Island, so you should find a good time even if you don’t want to die. These two guards didn’t think about it here.
Yuan Ye went directly into another island of Qianhu Island, which was more than that of several times in a row. It’s not that everyone didn’t ask, but that Yuan Ye’s degree was too fast. These people couldn’t stop them at most, and they also knew that they saw people rush in and leave at the top of the runway.
Let the high-level officials know that Yuan Yecai doesn’t care. Now it’s all tenderness. Once you know from the happy news that Keng Ya Kuan died in Zhong Sun, you will directly make a scene on Thousand Lakes Island and swear that you won’t stop until you kill Zhong Sun. Now whoever loves to tell the high-level officials can go.
Thousand-Lake Island is very prosperous. Although these islands are not big, their layout is compact and very beautiful. Some islands have their own characteristics. Flowers and trees are in front of Yuan Ye than Sakura Island. From a distance, Yuan Ye is now much bigger than the surrounding areas. Many islands are full of cherry trees, which is very beautiful. On this way, Yuan Ye is now bustling about Thousand-Lake Island, as if something big happened. Everyone is laughing.
At this moment, Sakurajima is decorated with red lanterns and hung with palaces one by one.
Brother Yu, Shaodaozhu deserves to be a genius. It’s much later than us. I was a Daozun when I was a child. Now Shaodaozhu has reached the top 50 of the honour list. How long will it take to say who can achieve the king’s strength? Shaodaozhu belongs to a white man who walks over to a humanitarian.