A youthful face was reflected in the cat’s eye, and it was such a familiar face. Ge Ma knocked on the door and looked at the stranger excitedly. She shouted Chunmei. How did you know that I was here? She came back without telling anyone. How did Chunmei come here? She strode in wearing a loose sportswear with some food in her hand. She said, Mr. Lei told me. She said that you came back and it was boring. Let my good friend come to visit you.



It’s Lei Yu. He knows that she doesn’t know that she’s here. Without a friend, Pure Beauty will find a warmth in her heart. Come on, come on. Pure Beauty sat unceremoniously on that sofa and pulled over Geer. Let her sit next to her. You said two things. Listen carefully. What’s so serious? First, Geer smiled slightly. Well, Pure Beauty blushed slightly. She shyly bowed her head and wrote that I was pregnant.
Zhenger cried in surprise, but on second thought, Chunmei should not have graduated in her senior year. At this time, the baby’s words are not so good, but her face is like a mother’s delight. So you are going to ask Geer weakly that I am going to have him. Chunmei Hao announced that the second thing is that I will hold a wedding on Christmas Day, and Zhenger still shouted incredulously, why is it such a big thing as soon as she comes back?
Ger Chunmei took her hand and smiled shyly and said, You are my best friend. I didn’t know who to look for as my maid of honor before. Now I have decided that it will be you. My Ger is still so unbelievable. Yes, it’s so decided. After the funeral, I came here to find you. By the way, Chunmei finally remembered that Ger just came back. Where have you been for more than a year? Why didn’t I even contact you? What’s your mobile phone number now? I said that this Ger was brilliant and laughed until I replied that it was a long story.
Now, who’s your husband? Geerma changed the subject. It’s also very fast to know that Pure Beauty is a boyfriend. Maybe it’s long ago that she knew the little one. You really want to know Pure Beauty and asked Geerma to smile. I’m your maid of honor. Of course, I have to know the groom first. Well, in fact, he’s waiting for me in the building. Let’s go. She said, she pulled Geerma to help me choose a wedding dress. In a few days, it was already dark and it was arrival in a small restaurant facing the street. Geerma was
Although Chunmei used to focus on the small money, now she really wants to get married, but she is a humble man, but it can be seen that he loves Chunmei so much, and Chunmei is also smiling happily in his bag. This is true love, right? Money is not linked to Iger, and you have lost a little weight by eating this fish. Chunmei tore a large piece of crucian carp in front of her and put it in a Geer bowl.
Geer didn’t refuse to eat it carefully. At this time, her cell phone rang, and she suddenly remembered that it was already late. Before she came, she didn’t tell Lei Yu that she was now Lei Yu’s mistress. He put it in that room. Hey, Geer got through. That was really Lei Yu. Where did you call from the sound? Lei Yu didn’t look angry. I’m pure and beautiful. I won’t be able to go back until later.
Well, call me if it’s too late, and I’ll pick you up, so I hung up. On the other end, Lei Yu smiled gently. Judging from the background sound, they are indeed in the restaurant, and Geer should have a good time today. It’s good for her to be happy. Now there is a curse in the 25th floor of Lei’s office building, and Han Lu Han has been holding her nose with one hand and sweeping the coffee on the office desktop with the other. You shouted loudly, What coffee is this? It smells so strong that people feel sick. What do you drink and have a secret look?
I don’t know what happened to the general manager these days. I’ve been making coffee for a year, and now I smell disgusting. Han Lu looked at the secret and got up and walked out. I went to get some air. After that, you found someone to clean this place, and then you left the office ladder. A department stopped on the third floor and came in. At the same time, it floated into the food taste ladder from the restaurant. Han Lu suddenly felt sick and was about to vomit while covering her mouth.
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After the staircase door finally closed out, the taste of the food made her feel a little better. She straightened up and gasped for air to make up for the oxygen she missed when she was sick just now. The department always asked, "Are you okay?" Han Lu didn’t want to talk, but she waved her hand at him, indicating that she was fine, but your face was very pale, and did you just get sick? Han Lu was surprised. She was a healthy baby, and she hadn’t been sick several times since she was a child.
But when I think about it, I really feel uncomfortable these days, and it’s really easy to get sick in winter. Besides, several employees on the 25th floor are sick. It’s not that she was infected. I think more and more worried that Han Lu decided to go to the hospital when she was hitting the ladder door. She was most afraid of getting sick and getting an injection is a minor illness, so just go and ask for some medicine as soon as possible. If she wants an injection, she will cry to the hospital. The smell of white disinfectant is a hospital sign.
At noon, there were not many people in the hospital. The nurse ordered Han Lu to take the laboratory paper in her hand and show it to the doctor. This is their routine sentence. Han Lu swept the laboratory paper, her eyes stared at the face, and the red word opened her mouth. How could it be that Yang Xing was still cursing in her heart when the doctor asked her to have a pregnancy test just now? But now this single Yang Xing surprised her to stay at the door of the laboratory for several minutes until someone urged her to let her return to her senses.
It seems that what she needs to do now is not to find a doctor, but to ask Li Tianjie. Han Lu took out her mobile phone and pressed Li Tianjie’s number to feed her words. You told Li Tianjie that Bai Hanyin said that she was very angry now. Wait for me to call you. When I finished speaking, I was hung up. In anger, Han Lu couldn’t handle any guests. She pressed redial Li Tianjie. This time, Han Lu shouted at the sound quality and asked what you usually do when you are so idle. You just received the guest words. Li Tianjie was really angry and felt that Han Lu was there.
Why would I get pregnant? It’s really eye-catching that his plan succeeded. Of course, Li Tianjie wouldn’t say in these words that he was just shouting in his heart that he was pregnant. I don’t know. Haven’t we always paid attention to it? He pretended to be confused. Do you know that I think you deliberately tampered with it? Han Lu is still so angry. You must know that Han Lu’s success rate is not 100% even if she uses contraception.
It’s our bad luck. What’s the chance of hitting that percentage? Hum Hanlu hung up with a cold hum. In a huff, he threw the test paper into the trash can. This child came at a really bad time. Christmas made the city come alive. The long ribbon float dragged across the street in the envy of the crowd, dressed in a pure white wedding dress and holding the groom’s hand with that happy smile, sitting on her other side in a small white ceremony.
She is also very beautiful today because she is a bridesmaid, so everything is so busy and orderly at the banquet. At eleven o’clock in the evening, the crowd finally dispersed almost. Geer told Chunmei that she would go back first. Chunmei wore the red gift at the banquet and sent Geer to the door. She said that Geer really thanked you today, and she put a red envelope in Geer’s hand. This is a custom, and Geer did not refuse to smile and grabbed the red envelope tightly.
Thank you, Jill, for smiling sweetly. You don’t know how beautiful you are today. What is beautiful? Pure beauty replied shyly. In a few months, I will never be beautiful again. Pure beauty really envies you. Today, I watched Pure Beauty leave home with the blessing of her father and enter a new family with the blessing of relatives and friends. What about her? She seems to be alone forever. You will be like this one.
When the time comes, I will take my child to your wedding with me. It must be so happy to see you in a wedding dress. I said with pure beauty, I held Ger’s shoulder and turned her to the other side of the road. A black BMW racing car was already waiting there. Che Lei Yu saw the scene in his eyes just now. Ger smiled so brilliantly, just like a year and a half ago. Look at pure beauty and jokingly said that your groom-to-be is coming to pick you up. Go.
Geer smiled and walked to Lei Yu, her groom-to-be. He is no longer her. If you are not mistaken, Lei Yu Company has now occupied a place in the Japanese market, and this is his Su Yuxin marriage to maintain it. Lei Yu’s car is moving towards him. Geer reached out to him. Today, you are beautiful. The maid of honor, Geer, is still in that beautiful white gift. Don’t make fun of me. Geer grabbed his hand and spent all day on makeup.
As she spoke, Lei Yu got into the car and started the car with a smile. The new Lei Shi office building is always so busy on such a Monday. Lei Yu arrived at the company early today and he did his duty. Selena came earlier than him. When he walked into his office and just sat down, Selena had followed him in with coffee. Chairman of the Board of Directors was early.
Chapter 165 Rival in Love 3
Well, Lei Yu replied, while the desktop was remotely controlled, Selena put the coffee on the desktop. After the report, she routinely asked angrily if there was anything else to add. Chairman Lei Yuyu said, you look at arranging another staff position outside. I have told the personnel department for a while that Selena hesitated. She weakly asked the chairman, is it that I didn’t do well? Does the 26th floor of the chairman belong to his office space?
Besides him, Selena is also a personal secret group, and now she is going to enter a personal secret group. Maybe what is she doing badly? It’s not that Lei Yu explained while preparing to enter today’s work. I just want Hauger to come over and do it. I don’t want her to stay at home all the time. This is the day. If she doesn’t understand anything, please teach her more. Selena smiled with relief and replied, and then she turned and left the office.
After seeing Geer’s rare smile on Christmas Day, Lei Yucai Bai Gegen is not expected to be a mistress. She can’t go shopping with a gold card every day like a real mistress, and wait for a man to come. She needs to really finish something, and now she will really get to the center of the earth. Even if she wants to reply to Geer, she will have to wait for the first issue. In the meantime, let her stay with him. It’s already class time. The staff have already left almost. Lei Yucai wears a coat and leaves the office.
The ladder stopped on the 25th floor. Han Luqing walked into the ladder with a long face. Han Lulei Yu asked what’s the matter with you? You don’t look very good. Han Lu hasn’t finished yet. At the moment when the ladder started, a dizzy attack made her feel uncomfortable in her stomach again. She hurriedly put her hand over her mouth to prevent herself from vomiting, but it was a feeling of vomiting. You were pregnant. Lei Yu looked at her half-squinting in confusion.
Han Lu looked up and looked at Lei Yu in surprise. How do you know? But in a second, her horse regretted it. Because she said that, she was really pregnant. Lei Yu pulled a smile at her mouth. It seems that Li Tianjie moved really fast. Look at your performance. Take a break? Han Lu took a deep breath to make herself feel better before sayingno. I’m going to take off my child and rest for a while before going to Japan.
It may be a week or two later than planned. I think it’s better to keep the children. You can find someone to go there. Forget it. I’ll go. Han Lu didn’t give in. The elevator has stopped in the underground parking lot. The two of them walked to the car. Lei Yu said again that Han Lu is a mother now. If you are not comfortable, just rest at home for a while. After that, he started the car. Han Lu smiled. Mom is really a distant term.
She also got into her car and slowly drove into it. Although Han Lu was driving in a busy street in sequence, her thoughts were still dominated by the sudden loud bang in the market. The first reaction was a car crash, and then the child consciously covered her belly and gasped in panic. How do you drive? The other party is a car rental driver.
When he got out of the car, he yelled at Han Lu, but after seeing that Han Lu was wearing such an expensive car, his arrogance faded. He said, Miss, you looked at Han Lu and took a deep breath to calm your panic. Then she also left the car and said gently, call the police insurance company to come over. After that, she pulled out the words. In fact, Han Lu’s car was just a little injured, so renting a car was more serious, but no one was injured
Han Lu leaned against her car and called Li Tianjie. After telling him about it, she hung up, but she was lost in thought. When did she become so dependent on people? It’s no big deal, and no one was injured and the police insurance company had to inform Li Tianjie. When she didn’t have a clue, the police had arrived, and it was not up to her to be so paranoid again. At the insurance company, people also evaluated the car damage. after li Tianjie finally arrived at the scene.
With that nervous look on his face, he rushed to Han Lu’s face and took her hand, so he nervously asked, "Are you okay?" Han Lu looked at his nervous smile and replied, "It’s okay. It’s just that the car was injured. It’s good that the car didn’t need people to be okay." Li Tianjie paused and asked, "Is the child okay?" Han Lu was surprised when she remembered that her first thought just now was to cover her stomach and think about protecting the child.
In Li Tianjie’s question, her hand gently covered her belly again. There is a little life growing in it. Is she a mother? Does your stomach hurt? Li Tianjie looked at Han Lu and didn’t answer Ma’s question. Let’s go to the hospital first. Han Lu looked up at Li Tianjie’s anxious sample and said gently, Do you really care about this child? Li Tianjie first said that it was you and I care about you the most, and then it was a child.
On the one hand, the policeman kept a record and told them that she was a pregnant woman. After work, she was still a person. Your husband gave you a ride. Li Tianjie smiled at the policeman and nodded. The insurance company also came over and asked Han Lu to sign the buckle and left the car for maintenance. Li Tianjie took Han Lu’s hand and went to the car that had been parked opposite. Li Tianjie once again asked us to go to the hospital. Han Lu looked up and smiled at him and replied no.
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The baby didn’t hit the belly, so we went home and said, he started the car. After the car was smooth, Han Lu kept his head down and covered his flat abdomen without talking. Li Tianjie reached out and covered her abdomen and said softly, what’s the matter? Tianjie Han Lu looked at him and said, let’s keep this baby. I think he is really in my stomach. At the moment of the crash, she suddenly realized that she cares so much about the baby in her belly. She is a mother.