I can’t help nodding my head when I hear that the monastic line is a little higher. The monastic line is a little lower and almost a limp fall in the depths of the earth has branded the image of Li Yueling’s ferocity and bullying.



This is absolutely necessary.
Li Yueling confided that these disciples are either monsters or demons, and many plants and animals are very monks. However, these disciples are also mixed in mind. If you don’t have a good shock today, you will not have any unexpected troubles in the future.
The name of Chaos Sect was decided after some discussion on the return journey of Daniel lee Linglong Tibetan Buddhist monk.
Li Yueling’s original intention of creating Zongmen root is to establish a faction of evil schools in the Tao that can take all evils into account.
What’s more, Li Yueling is also very factional, otherwise he wouldn’t have studied this evil magic skill. In Li Yueling’s view, if it is desirable and feasible, it can be absorbed by all families.
Not to mention that today’s disciples have practiced various methods, even if the Tibetan Buddhist monk wants to give Buddhism to his cousin Li Yueling, he will raise his hands in favor.
I heard that Li Yueling changed the clan name to Yuan Zong.
Tuode poison shadow and others are puzzled, but they are immediately relieved that what the master says is what it is. Yuan Zong is very prestige. Such a means of repairing everything is terrible. The master has a good life in the future
After Li Yueling’s announcement, it was the side of the dragon Tibetan Buddhist monk who stood in awe. The dragon Tibetan master was the patriarch, and he came to my place as the guardian elder. He saw that everything the patriarch said was right and true. Even when the patriarch spoke, the master predicted that the conflict was correct. You can all hear him clearly.
Li Yueling’s voice seemed to be aware of the meaning. He was the first one to kneel on the ground and shout at the Tibetan Buddhist monk. He had seen the Tibetan elder Xianfu and enjoy a long life.
This poison shadow is a talent I can’t live without. Fortunately, I didn’t kill him on impulse. It’s good to be lucky and poor to have such a real villain.
Li Yueling secretly praised a poisonous shadow and then thought that from the beginning of knowing the Tibetan Buddhist monk, he had already decided to completely make him loyal to his family clan. Such a super master in the middle of his silence is really an indispensable but powerful pillar for building a new clan.
However, mutual interests can never last long. This theory is common in shopping malls and in the field of repairing the truth. Li Yueling also has a bright heart.
The opportunity to make the Tibetan Buddhist monk loyal to Yuan Zong is now. Whether it will be achieved at this moment depends on whether Li Yueling’s sincere speech can impress the Tibetan Buddhist monk. Of course, Li Yueling’s foreshadowing in the early stage is also included.
At one time, one hall after another was full of respect and praise for the Tibetan Buddhist monk, and this scene was like the Tibetan Buddhist monk’s monk in the East China Sea.
You know, although he is extremely tall, he has always been alone. He has never enjoyed such a sense of superiority that he is revered by everyone. At this moment, his heart is really touched by Li Yueling’s words.
At this time, it’s really not enough to say something. The excitement of the Tibetan Buddhist monk suddenly showed the arhat’s golden posture and did not speak first. Suddenly, he knelt down and looked at Li Yueling seriously. The patriarch was really loving and cudgel-loving, and he was determined to help the patriarch all his life and vowed to make the mixed Yuan clan famous and fix the true boundary to mix Yuan Zong with a weak and sincere heart.
Previously, the patriarch’s words came back to a case. How can the second master cudgel be a clown and have no brains to kill cudgel but rush to the first discipline? What is better for you to get along with the patriarch?
Li Yueling sighed an honest man in his heart.
Hurry up and lift up the dragon Tibetan Buddhist monk’s eyes like water and gas. The master is too modest. Without the help of the master, I, Li Yueling, have lost my life in the East China Sea today. Just now, I said that I can’t go back to the master. In Yuan Zong, I will always be my peers. Let’s carry forward the mixed Yuan Zong and achieve the first Sect in the field of repair.
Bravery is the easiest way to inspire people. With Li Yueling’s sincere words, the eyes of the Tibetan Buddhist monk are wet. More than 200 people in the temple are wet. Yuan Zong’s brother’s eyes are wet. Jin Wenyu looks at his lover’s eyes.
Under the leadership of poison shadow Tuode, more than 200 younger brothers fell to the ground and shouted together to mix the patriarch of Yuan Zong and the patriarch’s wife, Xianfu, and Tianqi, the guardian elder.
That, together with the six characters of the patriarch’s wife, is a poisonous shadow to please. It is estimated that this guy must have watched Jin Lao’s peak
Chapter one hundred and seventy-three Yuan Shen Yi outside things
In the next two months, Li Yueling first took the newly-refined Nayuan Dan, and distributed it to his younger brother in the middle period of Mendahe. Because the materials for alchemy were very neat in the Sanling Cave House in the East China Sea, and Li Yueling didn’t make them polite, he refined six furnaces of Nayuan Dan. Even though his younger brother in the middle period of Mendahe had nearly 70 Dan pills, it was still enough.
Especially like Tuode’s poisonous shadow pig, big tiger, two foxes, five apes and six monkeys, they can almost become a baby or form an elixir. It took more than half a month to raise interest and receive an elixir, but they all became a baby or a elixir.
This also makes them ecstatic. After all, it is definitely a road to fix the truth to achieve the Yuan baby. If you don’t fix the Yuan baby every ten years from the late stage, you won’t be able to fix the Yuan baby for the rest of your life.
It is even more difficult for the demon practitioners to refine the elixir. In fact, it is the same nature to cultivate the Yuanying, but it is far more difficult for the demon practitioners to cultivate the truth than the human monks.
It’s not too arbitrary to say, if Li Yueling didn’t give them the cultivation techniques first and the magic pills to help them ascend, even if they were given them for hundreds of years, these demon practices might not be able to form an elixir day.
However, all this in Li Yueling’s Man Cang magic pill is growing wildly at an incredible speed.
When Li Yueling made an alchemy in Sanling Cave House, he not only refined several kinds of elixirs, but also refined more than ten kinds of elixirs suitable for different stages of cultivation.