


It’s neither too big nor too small. It’s from the front
I saw a small flying knife-like figure around me, and it disappeared in an instant.
The water twisted the handkerchief and smiled beautifully. The cabinet owner really hurts the girl.
In a word, Xiaoxiao became red in the face and her eyes drifted to the front. Duan Fei still seemed to be indifferent in the fog and turned into the hall.
Xiaoxiao’s residence was arranged in a castle with the most elegant and small heart. As soon as she walked in here, Xiaoxiao was attracted by the flowers around her. She couldn’t wait to run over and squat down to grab one and smell it. She was excited and said, Wow, this is rosa multiflora.
Frost commanded people to clean again and said that the girl was still satisfied.
Uh-huh, uh-huh, Xiaoxiao rushed to nod. I am rosa multiflora the most. When I was a child, my home was full, and rosa multiflora was so beautiful that it was eye-catching
Hehe, just count it. It’s still like a girl’s family being hospitalized. At ordinary times, I’m the only one in this castle. The Shuifeng people never treat us as women.
Frost, thank you. Xiaoxiao said sincerely
Frost arch eyebrows smile treacherously, girl. I’m afraid I’m thanking the wrong person. It’s not that I can just give people away at a word.
On the other side of the water, Palmer twisted his slender waist and turned to chuckle. At this time, the cabinet owner should be in Beishan, right?
Beishan is located on the north side of the castle, with the highest terrain overlooking the surrounding mountains.
At the top of the mountain, a plain color fluttered and the clothes stood in the wind. He stood there quietly, like looking out and waiting for those eyes that were so pale that they lost their color that they could penetrate forever.
Xiaoxiao was so tired when he climbed the mountain that he sat down to wipe his forehead and sweat. Looking back, he said, "Why are you in such a high place? It’s her luck that she didn’t even walk and climb all the way without losing half her life."
Duan Fei was still for a long time before he turned his head slowly.
Uh, Xiaoxiao got up and carefully walked over and looked at him, scaring the horse to step back. In fact, nothing happened. I wanted to thank you.
He turned his head and returned to a static appearance.
Xiaoxiao frowns and is treated as angry. It’s really unpleasant for her to step forward.
be half a beat slower—be slower on the draw than others
Slow as it is, he answered after all, didn’t he?
Xiaoxiao consoled me.
She smiled at him, and I was very thoughtful. Thank you.
Half-beat again
take a deep breath
He still answered, didn’t he?
So Xiaoxiao smiled again. Speaking of which, I’m really sorry. You have helped me many times. It seems that I have nothing to repay except thank you.
This time Duan Fei actually chose Gorgeous View directly.
After taking a few deep breaths in a row, Xiaoxiao still didn’t suppress her dissatisfaction. She directly bypassed him in front of him with her eyes half closed and her eyebrows lightly picked. Even if you are not used to responding, at least show some friendliness.