


The Griffin sends a low drink, which is similar to the super-wave chirping, which makes everyone dizzy, and then quickly climbs up and turns into four or five small black spots hovering in the sky, and continues to climb and rise high enough to avoid the great wizards in the magic tower of St. Petersburg, the imperial capital.
Meng Chan’s shame today will be reported to the three empires in the future.
Hahahaha, I know that you are actually injured, so take a good care of yourself. When China’s heavenly kingdom breaks down and your family dies, your Meng Chan head will be hung at the palace gate of the Emperor Palace for the world to watch forever. Hahahaha.
Meng Chan, today, you killed us here. What happened to the cold light tiger is your field. I Kubacki swear to God.
In the past few days, the Big Three clamored and threatened, and they seemed to know that Meng Chan was injured and pursued lightly. Today’s fiasco was really unforgettable but shameful for them. The siege of the Big Four was killed by the other side and fled like a dog.
The Griffin spirals and climbs higher and higher, and it is on the verge of leaving Meng Chan quietly. Han Feng leans against a boulder, and the beauty is pregnant with wine and has no pursuit in the cup. Except for the two days, Jun Qiang wants to pursue others, but she is unable to do so.
See three people escape in arrogance laughter at this moment.
Come and go whenever you want. Where is China?
A majestic sound suddenly resounded from the distant Chinese Imperial Palace in the middle of the night. With the sound of this road full of the breath of the emperor, a powerful breath suddenly emerged in the Forbidden City, and the golden light soared and filled the dark night.
When everyone looked intently, they found out what light was there. It was a golden dragon that rushed up all over the sky. Each dragon was ten meters long. It happened that the golden scales were luxurious and the roaring roar of the dragon was full of unimaginable coercion. It was incredible to go against the sky and soon chased it. It was about to become a little black Griffin.
In the face of the golden dragon, the Griffin, who claims to be the overlord of the cavalry, turned out to be without any resistance. It was a mistake. The Griffin department was torn apart in screams and pieces of blood and rain bones fell from the sky.
In the sky, several people exclaimed that several figures had fallen in this bloody rain. The figures tried their best to maintain the falling speed and glide obliquely to the distance. This strength is obviously that Tracol and others have fallen far into the vast night, like water drops falling into the sea.
After all, these people failed to escape from China.
At this time, not many people paid attention to the fall in the vast darkness, and Tracol and others were shocked by almost all the giant dragons in the palace.
That magnificent and indescribable terror makes every Chinese warrior on the top of Tianjun Mountain stay on the ground, and some warriors with a little less strength even prostrate themselves on the ground directly.
That kind of self-centered martial arts momentum gives the martial artists a kind of kneeling worship ability.
By the time everyone reacted, the golden dragon had been mottled, and the golden light spots scattered like fireflies flying all over the sky, and quickly dispersed and disappeared into the dark night. A dream that drifted with the wind finally became empty, but the magnificent and irresistible momentum of the king was still really in the virtual.
It was the golden dragon of national luck, and people in the distance murmured in a low tone, almost talking.
Meng Fei’s huge earthquake in his heart turned to look, and the speaker was the man with white hair and beard, old ravines and wrinkles all over his face. His eyes were filled with indescribable surprise, shock and even a little fear.
Guoyun Jinlong
Guoyun Jinlong
The national luck is condensed into a golden dragon.
These words bring Meng Fei shock to everyone, which is almost the same as the raging sea, far beyond the dream scene of the former golden dragon all over the sky
Because everyone knows what the word National Games stands for and who it stands for.
It’s an imperial myth, it’s a time myth, it’s an imperial wonder.
China’s heavenly kingdom, China’s Emperor, can transform the country into a golden dragon.
What does this mean?
It represents that the Chinese emperor has completely embraced the real dragon body, and this real dragon body is still formed the day after tomorrow. This is really a saying.
Just now, the golden dragon that came into being contains a majestic and overbearing horse, which makes people feel that even Meng Chan is hard to resist after the outbreak.
Thought of here, almost people can’t help but scream.
Uh, poof
Just when almost everyone was still immersed in the shocking aftertaste brought by the Chinese emperor, the change suddenly occurred.
Suddenly there was a stuffy blood splash sound in the ear. Looking down the sound source, Meng Fei’s blood was about to solidify. Seeing that Tianjun Meng Chan’s straight body stood in the distance, he suddenly shook his head and blood gushed out from his mouth like a fountain. At the same time, he spewed blood and left a shocking wound on his right chest after being attacked by Tracol.
Predecessor Meng Fei frantically rushed over to hold Meng Chan in his arms.
Meng Chan has become a bloody man at this time.
Meng Fei found with horror that every pore of Huaxia Tianchaotian Jun seems to be spewing plasma outwards. This is a very serious injury. After the bones and flesh are almost crushed by great pressure, the symptoms will appear. Meng Shaoshao’s mind suddenly turned white. Meng Chan’s injury is far more serious than it looks.
Ah, Lord Tianjun
Lord Meng Chan, are you hurt?
Many Chinese celestial warriors trembled and exclaimed. No one thought that just now, they killed the quartet and cut off the snow front empire. Tianjun cold light tiger killed Tracol, Aubac, Kubacki, and the three days. The king was strong and the dog ran away. Meng Chan had already suffered such a serious injury and suddenly wanted to rush over.
at this time
Swish swish swish.
The figure is heavy and I don’t know where it came from. Thirty or forty people are all dressed in white robes and carrying swords. They look sad and surround Meng Chan. The first person is extremely young and looks very ordinary. Is it handsome? But one or two stars with knife-shaped eyebrows give people a sharp feeling and a faint world temperament.