Li Yueling’s evil dumpling master has a hard time in the face.



Li Yueling is also a grumpy advocate who can’t help but think back channels. Because of this, people have punched their own holes.
Xiao Bier, do you know the sin? Li Yueling suddenly gave a big shout, which made Xuan Ling turn his head to look at it.
Pity and evil dumplings don’t steal chickens. Instead, it eats rice. Today, it has become a step pump for Li Yueling. But he also blames people for stealing and eating. It’s just a matter of stealing and not letting others find out.
Just before the evil dumpling sutra was thundered, it was already full of Venus. Today, when I first heard that Li Yueling was angry, I felt a tight body and stung spicy, but it was Li Yueling’s means.
If others are afraid that they will immediately get angry and reply, they will be able to escape, but Li Yueling will punish him, but he is afraid not to be held in the hands of others.
The evil dumpling screamed with pain and shrank into a ball. Li Yueling hit the golden sword one by one.
However, Li Yueling took the blame for your death, and it was also because you went to the bitter plan that the effect was bad and the flesh was short-lived. His very high-profile wailing earned his master respect and understanding.
XuanYin first mouth Li Daoyou forget it, but there is no loss. The dumpling is, after all, an uncultivated animal. Let it go this time. Say that finish and turn your head to the second brother of Zhentian Road. You also say something. People are my guests. Besides, Nine Ye Zhu has not been damaged. Don’t make it difficult for my younger brother.
At first sight of Li Yueling’s anger and punishment for evil dumpling, it had already dissipated most of the internal heat. Now it’s through Xuanyin’s saying that it is also a nod. I said that Li Daoyou gave me a big face to spare the little snake. In fact, it’s all right for other plants and trees in this garden to let it eat some, but for this plant, it would be a success.
Well, it’s time for the other party to go on the rampage and thunder and blame Li Yueling for the evil dumpling. It turns out that the evil dumpling is completely inverted. It seems that the bitter flesh is not white, but he is also punished by Li Yueling.
Since the host didn’t blame Li Yueling, he immediately stopped and said, "I’m sorry." By the way, I’m sorry to bring the topic to the forefront.
You don’t know that this nine Ye Zhu grows a leaf every 600 years, but it will grow into nine leaves in ten days, and we need this spiritual alchemy medicine to be particularly nervous. Li Daoyou has to forgive me.
Suddenly, I heard the word alchemy, and Li Yueling couldn’t help but be interested in it. Adding to the shock, the nine Ye Zhu said it was so magical and precious, which also means that it must not be refining ordinary pills.
It seems that I really want to get to know the three spirits of this vast sea. Just the dozens of hectares of exotic flowers and plants in front of me have already decided that they are worth marrying.
Chapter one hundred and fifty-one Dandao Fan
Then, after some introduction by Xuan Yin, Li Yueling soon had a rough face and talked with a loud voice. He was at least a secular man, and he was engaged in a career in the secular world, which was the easiest thing to do.
Besides, it’s all ignorant and scheming, but it’s even easier for Li Yueling to get close to a few words. The two of them have already chatted with Li Yueling well, as if they had known him for many years.
The three speakers and a dumpling have passed through the precious real garden with several exotic flowers and plants and come to a magnificent emerald hall.
Xuanyin pointed to a huge jade column next to the main hall, and Li Daoyou tied the dumpling to that column, that is, let’s go in and chat or you can introduce my eldest brother Danyang.
Li Yueling smell speech heart way, I don’t think this mount is bolted. Stocking is also an anti-then dragon ball in hand. Even if he has driven him away, he still doesn’t want to go. I immediately laughed at this and prevented this dumpling son from suffering. Now I know that I have repented and ordered him to stay here.
Say that finish twist a head mercilessly stared evil dumpling one eye, darling wait here don’t make any trouble again, understand?
The evil dumpling is afraid that Li Yueling will throw a blame for himself again, and the first crazy point of dumpling is white.
In my heart, I feel bitter and sigh how I ended up in this situation. Alas, I still don’t want to look forward to this person returning the then Dragon Ball to myself as soon as possible.
With XuanYin blasting into the temple, Li Yueling was also amazed. This deep palace in the East China Sea is so gorgeous, and the Qionglou Yuyu has just walked through several halls and three people came to the temple to look up.
Six five-foot-thick jade pillars stand at six corners, reaching more than 50 feet high. The temple is surrounded by an unknown blue stone, and a layer of sparkling halo is gorgeous.
Second brother and third brother, you can come back. Come with me to the Dan room quickly. There will be a fire in the center of the earth these days.
It’s the perfect time for us to wait for an alchemist. By the way, my second brother, I asked you to pick half a dozen five-colored grasses, which can bring a fat Taoist in a fiery red robe about ten feet away from the front of the temple and shout impatiently.
Look at his appearance, as if he didn’t notice Li Yueling.
Li Daoyou, don’t blame me for being an alchemist. In a few days, the center of the earth will be extremely hot, and it will be a big day. In recent days, he has focused his mind on the preparation of alchemy medicine. It is only then that this mysterious silver is the only thoughtful person in the three spirits of this house. He quickly explained that he was worried that Li Yueling would be unhappy because of this.
Li Yueling and other sleek figures have already distinguished whether Danyang is a man in the eye or a man in the heart and ignored himself. He smiled and laughed. Xuandaoyou overrated your brother and knew that he was a man in the temperament. How can you blame him?
To be original, you can introduce Hyun-yin to the Danyang Road with a smile. Eldest brother, don’t be busy with the alchemy. Younger brother, you can introduce me. This is Li Yueling and Li Daoyou, a middle-earth monk.
Li Yueling was already with him at this moment, and when he heard that Xun Yin had introduced himself, he leaned over and smiled and asked.
It’s really confusing that Li Daoyou was just being original.
At that time, I didn’t notice Li Daoyou’s strange. Danyang’s temperament is the warmest among the three brothers. At this moment, after being introduced by Xuanyin, I immediately realized that I had made a mistake in my previous rudeness.
Li Yueling is also very fond of these three spirits, especially for them who have repeatedly said that they are most interested in an alchemist. After gossiping a few words, I realized that Danyang is still anxious and my heart is already surmised.