But nodded and said, boss, the more capable you are, we know that it’s okay for you to want to come, right



Well, let’s take the soldiers back first. Leng Mengzhe patted them, but the lonely shoulder boss never lied to us. He should look for us later, and then Leng Mengzhe turned to me and threatened that we would come back to Qingzhou and wait for you. If you don’t come, we will wait forever.
Oh, I smiled and didn’t answer him. Go ahead.
Boss, take care of yourself. Leng Mengzhe and others suddenly went to worship together and got up together.
Draw troops back
I watched the troops leave quickly and managed not to slip.
I’m sorry, Lengmeng Zheran was lonely. When their shadows were getting farther and farther away, I bowed my head and said in my heart that there was a blood stain on my mouth.
I feel that my will is getting weaker and weaker, and the traces of life seem to disappear little by little.
I can’t be with you. My eyes are full of blood. Then let me leave quietly.
You can’t leave a male voice that seems familiar and strange.
I looked up with difficulty and a hazy figure caught my eye. It was you and I exclaimed.
Chapter DiErWuSi Hades
It’s me. The haughty corner of my mouth suddenly smiled. The smile was so familiar and kind. His slender eyes were noble and proud, and his thin lips revealed his firm character. He looked thin and tall, but his tall and straight body gave people an unyielding feeling. He came up to me step by step and squatted down to look at me kindly. My dear brother, we met again.
Feng I cried out his name with wet eyes. I was destined to never see my brother again in this life, but I didn’t expect that he would die at this time when I was at the end of my road. It was a happy thing to see my closest brother before I died.
Are you surprised to see me? Feng put his hand on my shoulder.
I am very sincere, I am very comforting, and although it is the last time, I am really satisfied.
What are you talking about? Feng’s hand pinched my shoulder, and the words were more than resolute. I won’t let my good brother die.
Oh, no, I shook my head with a wry smile. Now I may even be able to save the gods.
The gods can’t. I can smile mysteriously and nod to me. Trust me.
I look at his eyes, which are the most trustworthy brothers’ eyes that I have lived with for more than a hundred years.
Listen to me, close your eyes, peak, no doubt, and say
Oh, I didn’t consider closing my eyes. At this time, I am alone in the world, but life is calm. That must be the peak.
When I opened my eyes according to the peak, I found myself in a palace.
The black crystal is polished into a smooth floor, and each piece is one meter square, about ten feet apart. Two rows of pure white gold pillars are needed for each one. Only adults like me can hug each other and the face is covered with cat’s eyes. The big black diamond flashes. This strange light says that the Qinzheng Hall is the most luxurious and majestic palace in the mainland. Compared with that, it is simply a small hut.
There are rows of warriors dressed in black on both sides. I have a hunch that the warriors’ bodies emit less gas than the moon, which is several levels higher than that of the moon, that is, I will not be inferior to the demigod
When those warriors saw the peak, they all got down on one knee and cried together. See you at Lord Hades.
Lord Hades, I was shocked to look at the peak around me. I didn’t feel a little angry from him. Did he actually reach the realm of illusory valley and how could he become what they call Lord Hades? Isn’t that to say that the three giants in the middle kingdom, Pluto?
Feng, despite my surprise, took my hand and walked straight from the kneeling samurai to the most central shrine behind the palace. It was high in a strange black light, and I don’t know what it was like to become a wide chair.
Seeing Feng sitting in the face, I also sat down. Feng is my brother. Of course, I also sat down.
But when I sat behind my face and bowed down, the samurai looked up at me like a monster, and my eyes were full of shock. Even Feng looked at me strangely.
What, I’m embarrassed to touch my head? Can’t I sit here?
Of course not. You can sit if you want me to.
Oh, I smiled. It feels good to sit in such a high position and look down at those warriors.
I’m Pluto, aren’t you surprised? Feng whispered in my ear.
Strange, I said
That peak suddenly found that it was hard to guess what it was, and it was well known to the East.
I smiled. It doesn’t matter whether you are Pluto or Feng. The important thing is that I know you are my best brother.
Feng Lai’s eyes were filled with joy, and I was afraid that if you knew that I was Pluto, you would bow down with your fingers like them, and the samurai would alienate me like them. You are right, whether I am Hades or Feng is your brother forever.
I nodded than warm in my heart.
Listen up, Feng. It shouldn’t be Hades, the keeper of the underworld. Hades knelt down on his face and said with dignity that his name is Dong, my best and only brother. Do you want to respect him as you respect me?
It’s Lord Hades. Although the warriors were shocked, they certainly answered Hades’ words after a little hesitation.
I am walking slowly on a dark road, and this road also leads to darkness. I can’t see the end
Looking back just now, Feng or Hades was sitting in the palace of hades, and Feng became Hades. I suddenly felt that it was definitely more than just one word becoming three words for me. It seemed to be an insurmountable barrier that divided my brother on both sides.
Feng is still so caring for me, but
I don’t know if it’s something special in my heart or something. I always feel that there seems to be something separated between the two at this reunion. He is the keeper of hades, but I am not even a god.
The underworld is full of marginal darkness, just like my heart at the moment.
Hades has almost no divine power to help me stabilize my body temporarily. In fact, several forces have temporarily sealed the power of the pseudo-dragon god of war, and I have returned to the state of depravity.
Hades also told me that he would help me.
I don’t know what he means, but that means that I will declare war on Apollo and other gods, and he will resolutely be on my side, and he will do his best to help me and even lead an underworld to declare war on heaven.
But now I don’t want to be the most eager to save the incarnate son, but now I don’t want to know what my intuition is that it’s not the right time.