Cold cliff eyes hate light even flash bitten to grind, he finally followed again.



You must hate your father, because no one has ever heard of the God of War. It seems that your mother is not recognized, and I am not mistaken. Your mother’s eyes were blinded by your father, otherwise you don’t have to hate your father so much even if you are forced to leave windy country.
He’s not my father. He doesn’t deserve it.
After a violent roar, there was a light sound, and a drop of red liquid dropped to the ground between the fingers of the cold cliff. That was because his nails had been severely pierced into the meat. He left Tianlong country and left the past to forget that person, but he didn’t think about trying to forget the scar and was understated by Ye Chen.
He is sixty and you are not twenty, but you may be his son instead of his grandson, otherwise you will not be present.
Although I don’t know what the wind is and what happened to you, it is cowardly to escape. I hope that after a while, after your mother recovers, you can go back to the windy country for three years, and I will finish one thing.
After a long silence, there were two men left in the dark forest, and their footsteps were even. As they walked on, the death breath became more and more dense, and no animals had ever seen Ye Chen’s eyebrows slightly tight. It was another half hour. In the past, the cold cliff kept his head half down and said nothing. I didn’t know what Ye Chen had said before, or he was struggling whether to listen to Ye Chen’s first order and return to windy country. His heart was grateful to him, but he never wanted to set foot on the land again to repay his kindness. He was willing to kill him until he repaid his kindness, but he never thought that he would let him
Okay, this is it.
Ye Chen finally stopped and his eyes rested on the cold cliff of his own feet, followed by stopping and looking around lifeless, and then looked at him doubtfully. He never knew what he was going to do this time and refrained from asking.
Ye Chen’s right hand stretched out and the palm of his hand shone with a faint yellow light. With his wrist picking his feet, the black land exploded and formed shallow pits.
Cold cliff heart jumped because this is the most basic soil explosion in soil magic.
I have witnessed with my own eyes how much he has hidden, and what is the reason for this achievement?
Ye Chen crouched down to his left hand and stretched out the black sword god ring, which flashed slightly for more than one and a half feet. It was wrapped tightly in white, and now it is strange in that shallow pit.
Cold cliff zheng and then shouted the ring.
Is this thing very surprising? Ye Chen pulled the soil by hand to cover this white package shallowly. Because the environment here is too dark and the land is all gray and black, you can’t see the difference between here and other parts of the land if you don’t look closely.
Tianchen mainland a total of three cold cliffs said
Three Ye Chen small dazed for a while and then light oh bent on Chu Cangming mercilessly despise a three-piece ring was said to be not a rarity, you are not rare, others are rare.
Ye Chen once studied this magic sword ring. Because of this black ring, he vaguely remembered a kind of power. This power can only be realized after the perfect combination of seven natural elements. To create such a thing, it is necessary to make the first effort. Either one person has seven natural elements at the same time or seven different wizards can merge into a force briefly after quite tacit understanding, and then they can bear this power through a special method and a certain device. Then they can become the thing ring earrings.
It is very difficult to present an object.
Ye Chen tied a long gray line around a small tree that was not too thick, and then looked up for a while. There are usually no people or animals here, and it shouldn’t rain for seven days
Cold cliff heart doubts more and more deep, I don’t know what he is doing.
Ok, you go home now, Ye Chen said.
What about you?
I’ll look around again
Then why did you ask me to come with you?
I’m afraid I’ll meet an accident here and bring someone in case I think too much. You can also go back, Ye Chen said flatly.
Cold cliff turned and said nothing, leaving Ye Chen and said nothing more. It was this time that the pace was greatly accelerated.
He called Lengya here, but it was not a precaution, but a temptation. It was his success. In his quiet journey back alone, it was enough for Lengya to think clearly about something according to his words.
Master, where are you going? This is the crisp sound of Naner in the sword of Nanhuang.
Go and see that goddamned girl.
Ah, Naner exclaimed, Don’t, master, that heavenly punishment girl sounds terrible.
Ye Chen chuckled. Don’t worry. I won’t want to die. I’m just going to have a look nearby. Because every time I hear the name "Goddess of Punishment", my soul will touch a little. I think it’s my special soul again. I have to go and see it.
Well, it’s agreed that if you look, you must not go in, otherwise Naner will really rely on Naner, nervous and said
Okay, I won’t lie to Naner
Chapter 88 Terror eyes
Further on, there are no shrubs and grasses here, and further on, there are few short trees left standing in the sky. The trees are sparsely arranged. The farther forward, the fewer and darker the trees are, and the more dry they are.
The change here is all because one person punishes the woman. She has slowly turned this forest into this kind in twenty years, and she has not eaten or drunk for twenty years, but she is still alive today. Is she really a person? Ye Chen said doubtfully
It’s definitely not a person. Maybe it’s a mainland god who fled to Tianchen, and it’s a god who controls the death force. Naner replied lightly
What do you mean, God fled to Tianchen mainland? What did Ye Chen frown at and asked.
Yes, Naner never lies. Tianchen mainland is a human world, but Tianchen mainland is also a land of gods. There are gods living there, and each one is stronger than Tianchen mainland.
Ye Chen
Naner, how do you know this?
It’s from memory, but when I think about it, it appears.