Yes, yes, the pig king felt his back braving a chill and immediately became very good.



What should I do? Tokugawa Ieyasu looked at the fall of a large number of elves in the distance, and urged Caesar to surrender to the camp that looked safer across the street
Julius Caesar frowned and silently calculated in his heart when suddenly there came a whistling sound in the distance.
Of course, I also heard that people couldn’t help looking in the direction where the gas roared.
It was a month when I was surprised to open my mouth so much.
It’s Fei long. I just relaxed a little and my nerves tightened again.
It was the dragon Caesar who was excited to clap his hands. Aha, it couldn’t be more wonderful. Our dragon reinforcements arrived and said, stand up and dry your chest and regain the letter. I patted Tokugawa Ieyasu on the shoulder. Look, that’s what I told you about the dragon army, although it wasn’t controlled by the dragon knight, but hundreds of high-ranking dragons joined the battle. You should imagine how horrible it was.
It’s a terrible force, and Tokugawa Ieyasu gasped with excitement
Chapter 241 War is not war
Tokugawa Ieyasu has already calculated in his heart that the pig Betty Wong Lucifer went to war, and the orcs have not counted their share. After this victory, Julius Caesar will share it equally, that is, he will suffer a little loss, which is definitely enough to earn.
My face is livid and I can’t say a word. The situation has tilted to our side and shifted the center of gravity in this instantaneous change. There is no doubt that Feilong has joined the battle for hundreds of days, and we will fail.
Boss, we pigs, Betty Wong Lucifer, all looked at me in panic. I saw in their eyes that I couldn’t hide my fear. I didn’t blame them at all. I mean, when hundreds of dragons rushed at you in a murderous way, the gods would feel completely shocked if we were replaced by gods. After all, it was the largest and most powerful in the mainland.
What should I do? I’m in a fierce struggle in my heart, and I’ve seen the destructive power of those dragons. Although they don’t have that kind of spell, they are born with antibodies to it. The magic has no effect on their roots, not to mention that something attacked them and blocked four more dragons. But those hundreds of dragons that are 200 meters long can stop them from sneezing at the same time, which is enough to form a tornado that swept half the continent.
I loosened my fist and looked around. The people in the battlefield had stopped moving and stared at the sudden emergence of hundreds of dragons. I sighed gently. Now hundreds of thousands of lives are in my hands. I decide to dominate the lives of these hundreds of thousands of people. From their eyes, I see that if I say war, even if it is death, they will certainly fight to the last moment. But can I sacrifice my life to fight this seemingly suspenseful defeat?
Hou Yaozong, the official, said that the voice was also low here. There was silence all over the place. Everyone was asking themselves in their hearts what should I do if it were me.
Hou Yaozong, the official, is faint. If you fight, you will be defeated and still be honored, while the first emperor will become an immortal tragic hero and everyone will die. If you don’t fight, the first emperor’s name will be damaged, but the people will fight or not fight.
War is not war. The last four words, Hou Yaozong, suddenly repeated the treble.
War that stout butcher suddenly got up and patted the table and shouted that the first emperor was a bloody Han, of course, it was war
But that’s not cost-effective. The merchant tugged at the abacus with a face of regret.
What’s the bargain? The butcher glared at him and shouted, Hit his mother.
Yeah, yeah, the merchant focused on the abacus and suddenly knocked over a plate of pearls as soon as he dropped it. The merchant jumped up and glared at him and shouted at him.
The audience also got up in succession, and then they demonstrated, waving their fists and yelling at him. The wave of beating his mother was higher than the wave, and even the cold and arrogant teenager who had been sitting in the corner silently shrugged.
Officer Hou Yaozong looked at the excitement with a look of relief. These people are roadside vendors, bankers, butchers, porters, woodcutters, officers and inn clerks. Many identity industries are very different. On weekdays, Reagan won’t touch opportunities, but here in the first emperor’s official Dongfeng, his brothers, who lived and died, moved them to get together. With the development of the story, they laughed and cried together and moved them. From the beginning to the present, they were not together, drinking and eating meat and laughing.
This is the heroic charm, right?
Hou Yaozong, the official, said that it was the story of the first dragon slayer and the first generation owner of the dragon blood sword. From beginning to end, he was a man with a sword and became an enemy myth in the mainland. Later, it disappeared, but although everyone would listen to it with great devotion and envy, they would not be crazy about it. But look at Dongfeng, the official. Although the number of times he killed the enemy alone was not many, he was a friend who loved and hated the Han people. Only then did he unite with a group of concentric brothers and established a brilliant achievement. The first dragon slayer lost a little taste, although he was brave, but it was not official
Officer Hou Yaozong wiped a corner of his eye and waved his hand to stop the noise. The audience were eager to know the story, so they all sat quietly waiting for Officer Hou Yaozong.
Hou Yaozong, the official, kept his voice down. When the first emperor made this decision, everyone was shocked. At that time, when Caesar Tokugawa Ieyasu was in the air, the first emperor of Dongfeng suddenly said, "If you withdraw, I would like to die and thank God, otherwise our army will die. Even if you win, you will suffer heavy losses."
Alas, a sigh turned out to be the butcher who just called the fiercest butcher. The butcher’s eyes were red and he was trying to hold on to his waist. The knife that never left his body to kill the pig was in his heart. Not only could he not come to his idol at this time, but he didn’t even have a chance to witness the heroic deeds of the first emperor.
The merchant bit his lip and lowered his head. It seems that he wants to crush the beads to vent his emotions.
Ok, haha, Caesar’s eyes turned and he laughed. Then he laughed in his heart according to the east wind. It’s a big fool. When you die, I’ll destroy your country again. I’m also happy and relaxed. Tokugawa Ieyasu is also playing the same idea. The two old foxes smile at each other.
But I want you two to swear here in the name of your ancestors, and then I will certainly fulfill my words. I really can’t believe them easily, but I think they should not go back on their word in front of nearly 600 thousand people in this battlefield.
Chapter DiErSiEr oath
I have to swear that Caesar stayed for a while. For Caesar, the oath is still very important. What’s more, my ancestors took the oath.
Well, if you swear, you swear. How can Tokugawa Ieyasu be bound by this little oath if he doesn’t care about doing great things to Caesar? How can a person who does great things in Tokugawa Ieyasu’s mind be afraid of breaking the oath? It’s just a woman’s opinion
Caesar’s angry face didn’t move, but he smiled slightly. Then General Tokugawa will go first.
Tokugawa Ieyasu dark scold an old fox in my heart, but I really take advantage of this oath in my heart, or else I took the lead in high morality. The ancestors of Sichuan family are in the east wind today, and I, Tokugawa Ieyasu, immediately withdrew my troops and returned to China, breaking the oath and willing to die in thousands of people’s feet. Although Tokugawa Ieyasu didn’t care, he still made a quiver in his heart when he talked about the back, so he made a sly heart. I was one person and ten thousand people worshipping Japan, so I was afraid that I would step on someone else’s head and feel secretly proud.
Tokugawa Ieyasu’s mind was clear to Caesar’s expression. I thought it would be better if you were cruel against me. I wouldn’t break the oath. It’s a big deal if you broke the oath first and put out the hurricane. I’ll put you out again. It’s not that I broke the oath. I made up my mind and shouted that the ancient emperors of Oren countries were sworn by Sun Caesar here. Caesar will no longer attack the hurricane today. If you break the oath, you will be punished by the high god. The heart king hasn’t seen god yet. It’s time for the true god to give me death, but it’s time for me
Did the first emperor mow? The tea boy next to him couldn’t help but open his mouth and asked, This boy is 12 years old and it’s the first time to listen to the first emperor column. He can’t help but listen to God.
Yes, sir, please say it quickly. A crowd of people can’t stop urging.
In the corner, the cold and arrogant boy hung his head, and Xiao Hou noticed that his shoulders were trembling slightly and his heart seemed to be suffering from great pain.
The first emperor’s life was magnanimous and resourceful, but he never deceived officials. Xiao Hou Yang looked out of the window. It was night in the autumn, and the lights were already past dusk, so he got up and saluted. It’s getting late today. Go back. If you want to know the funeral, it will be early.
Ah, everyone was disappointed and sighed.
Officer, you’re killing me, aren’t you? The butcher rubbed his hands in a hurry and was depressed.
Yes, Mr. Guan, it’s so urgent for businessmen to give up. How can you just cut it off? How can we all walk around here?
That is, the audience is talking about it, and no one is willing to move.
Officer Hou Yaozong frowned. From his point of view, this is the first time I have encountered such a situation.