Lin Mu, the oldest alum in the clan, looked at Lin Fan in this state and couldn’t help coughing lightly. Half an hour ago, Lin Fan directly launched the highest specification order in the clan to recall the old alum department. You know, that order has only been launched twice in the clan of Lin over the years.



And those two times were the birth and death of the Lin clan. Is this the time?
The thought of these long chalk old faces here is faint. What great things have changed?
Lin Mu light cough woke Lin Fan, who is still in a state of absence. His eyes slowly scanned the conference hall, and all the noise disappeared at this moment.
Hmm. How interesting
Fan’s eyes scanned, and then he suddenly laughed inexplicably. His head lifted up and he laughed more and more, and finally even tears came.
In the hall, the top leaders of the old clan with long chalk were scared and turned pale. What on earth is the great event that actually stimulated the heads of the families to this extent?
In a white dress in the hall, Lin Keer is also a pale face. Looking at Lin Vatican, the jade hand can’t help but hold on to his father’s arm.
Chief of the clan, but because of the Wang clan’s conspiracy means, the chief of the clan can rest assured that no matter what means they have, I, Lin clan, are not made of soft persimmon Lin Mu sink a way.
If the Wang clan dares to fight against me, the Lin clan will fight to the death. Another long chalk old man is also a complete way
The atmosphere in the conference hall was as if it had become a lot of blood.
Lin Fan’s smile finally stopped gradually. He wiped his face, and then he waved his hand and said hoarsely, "You are so worried about the long chalk. Since then, the Wang clan has never dared to show disrespect to my family."
Still preparing to say a desperate words, many long chalk old faces suddenly looked at the Brahma one by one.
The Hundred Dynasties War ended with Lin Fan’s light way
Hundred Dynasties War
Many long chalk old once again one leng immediately suddenly return to absolute being with a surprised coming from the face, are we lam clan people taken a fancy to by the super sect?
The Vatican nodded slowly.
The atmosphere of the conference hall exploded in an instant, and it poured wildly and violently, impacting every corner of the conference hall.
It must be Lin Langtian, our clan. I’m afraid he can do it, too.
Not necessarily. Lin was not weak. Even Lin Langtian couldn’t stand him once.
I think Lin Langtian has a higher grid rate. We have seen his talent with our own eyes
Yes, but it’s worthy of being the sexiest genius of our Lin clan. Hey, it’s just good luck that Yancheng is separated.
I’m afraid the news will be gone if they rely on it.
Lin Keer in the corner heard the explosion in the hall, and Bei Bei bit her red lip and sighed gently. Did Lin finally fail in the struggle in Lin Langtian?
He joined the East Xuanyu Super Sect, a Sect of Brahman who seemed to mumble, slowly and directly suppressed all the noise in the hall.
The eyes of all the people in the big super Sect are staring at this moment, which is too far away for the pool people.
In the Hundred Dynasties War, he surpassed those super dynasty geniuses and won the championship.
Everyone in the quiet hall felt suffocated and won the championship of the Hundred Dynasties War. It seems that no one has ever achieved this honor since the establishment of the Great Yan Dynasty. This time, it was actually achieved by their Lin clan.
Lin Fan raised his head and his eyes turned out to be bloodshot at the moment. He stared at people with a gentle voice still trembling. He was Lin Dong.
Many chairs in the conference hall suddenly burst, and the figure was sitting on the ground in a mess, but people looked at Lin Fan in the first place with incredible eyes.
The man who was taken a fancy to by the big super Sect, who surpassed the genius Uber of the super dynasty and finally stood out from the crowd, turned out to be moved
That came to Yancheng to split up and move.
Lin Keer jade hand covered her lips at the moment. The shock in her heart made her head dizzy.
She also didn’t expect that the person who created such a miracle would be Lin Dong.
Kerr spirit slightly trance as if thinking of the inflammation city outside the tomb that in Lin Langtian breath oppression even covered in blood, but still stubborn and embarrassed step by step forward thin figure.
In just a few years, the injured young wolf seemed to be a real nirvana eagle.
Chief of the fathers, this is true. Lin Mu opened his mouth and found that his voice was extremely dry. He valued Lin Dong at first, but even he never thought that he could reach this level in the Uber Cloud Hundred Dynasties War that day.
Lin Vatican nodded slowly, and soon he got up with his hands on the table and looked down at the crowd. The deep voice sounded with an unquestionable taste.
Immediately notify Yan Cheng that the clan of Lin Zhentian is too long, and the old clan of Lin Zhentian is too long, and the old clan of Lin Xiao, Lincoln, and others are all in the long chalk chair. Who dares to speak ill of Yan Cheng’s clan from now on?
Lin Vatican voice a meal that face chung a terrible murder.
Record clan identity immediately, regardless of identity
A conference hall silently looked at the terrible eyes. At this moment, even those who have long opinions on the separation of Yan City are honest and shut up. They all know that from now on, the separation of Yan City will become the clan of Lin, which is the most not to be provoked in the great inflammation dynasty.
Because of the separation of Yancheng, there is a forest movement.