Soon, the Phantom of the Opera’s elite ship will be able to show its prowess again, but before that, it must kill another worm king.



If there are only three worm kings left, then the smart ship and other ships can delay and nail the worm king firmly to the worm hall
To be a man, you need to know yourself. To be a captain of a star cruise ship, you need to grasp that the place where the Zerg mother emperor lives is bound to be in crisis, except that the Phantom of the Opera can continue to go deep into the ship and may be destroyed.
White Rosa Cong wisdom is just to earn the hope of the worm king for the mother emperor or give it to the abnormal phantom of the opera to deal with! It’s not her generosity but her ability.
"Boom" Zeus’s scorpion tail swung at the ship Lingdong, the king of pointy worms, and two pointy worms escaped from the trap. They were all scarred, but those injuries did not affect their combat effectiveness.
Zeus’s scorpion tail is similar to a collision angle. It is a close-range attack weapon. The worm king is shaking and just about to wave his claws to fight back. Among the 300 armor-piercing shells fired from the Black Rose battery, less than half of them are drilled into the worm king’s body.
Lin momo played it by ear. Marta hit the corner and withdrew from the head of the dead king of worms. When the Black Rose caused trouble to another king of worms, the Phantom of the Opera crossed the side of the king of worms.
The miserable green liquid splashed Zeus, Black Rose, Phantom of the Opera, and the three ships cooperated perfectly to hit the king of a worm.
"Sister Bai should be able to handle it if she gives it to you here?"
Phantom of the opera, pause slightly on the way to Lin momo sound to clever white Rosa laughed "thank you momo bro gift five-headed worm king dare not say to solve the three and a half worm king is relatively easy".
"That’s good. I’ll go and meet the mother emperor. Get out of the worm tower after you kill the worm king and the surrounding zerg! If the mother emperor is difficult to deal with the Phantom of the Opera, it will be withdrawn immediately. "
The ethereal phantom of the opera crashed into thousands of insect shadows and headed for the channel with a tough attitude. When she saw the ship separating three powerful light belts, she strangled the two-headed insect and threw it around.
Lin momo looked solemn and solemn, and the breath of the stepmother emperor suddenly faded when the king of five worms appeared. I don’t know what happened in the depths of the insect tower. If the mother emperor was timid, it would be a slippery record.
Zerg regard the battle as the theme of life, and even if the insect tower is likely to be destroyed, it will not escape at will unless those females who are pregnant with special eggs may escape for the sake of the whole population.
The Phantom of the Phantom went straight into a single destructive bomb, which caused the energy tide to shake the superimposed light band of the magnetic field of the energy shield. After cleaning up the nearby insect shadow, Harley immediately launched a missile offensive to make it difficult for the two-headed worm to get close.
About five or six minutes later, three bands of light broke through the worm wall and the Phantom of the Opera entered the worm tower nursery, where tens of millions of eggs and a large number of semi-mature two-headed worms were arranged.
Athena is an entomologist, Jun Tianyou is an entomologist, Connor is also an entomologist, and Odin and Lin Sisuo are also entomologists. It is valuable to explore so many eggs laid by the mother emperor tirelessly.
It’s a star cruise ship with limited space. It’s impossible to have so many eggs. Besides, at this juncture, we must attack a destructive bomb in the mother emperor’s nursery. The energy tide erupts in the center and spreads around.
The eggs that can escape the destruction of energy and tide must belong to the lucky ones and those with outstanding potential. What Linxi asks for is that these eggs are not considered.
It would be good if the insect attack tower can get one thousandth of eggs. After training, it is necessary to eliminate 90% disobedient guys. The actual control is usually less than one thousandth. After all, star cruises are not places to raise insects.
After bombarding the nursery, the Phantom of the Opera didn’t stay, which made Lin momo strange. The mother emperor didn’t send the main force to resist, as if he had resigned and given up.
Don’t the mother emperor have any troops to send? Or insect robbery arrival deployed insect tower forces? It’s better to be careful to intercept the obelisk without telling the story
Phantom of the Opera continues to move forward, flying deeper into the insect tower, and the number of insect shadows around it is less. Are there any real soldiers in this strategic insect tower as huge as an asteroid?
Lin momo’s motionless and slight movement calls for the manipulation of the magnetic field, and a light screen is presented to him. If you encounter an emergency and want to break this light screen, you can give the incarnate son the ability to display the elite ship lighter.
Of course, if it is controlled by Lin momo himself and mixed with spiritual power, the elite ship’s lighter is more lethal, just like making a huge weapon difficult to heal the wounds of the enemy.
"Pay attention to the energy fluctuation ahead." The charm issued a warning, and at the same time she increased the thickness of the energy shield.
The shadow of the ship slowly advances into the two-headed worm department and retreats to the mother emperor’s nest. The passage is quieter than it is, but the quieter it is, the more disturbing it is.
"Yi mother emperor what the hell is this? Do you know that?/You know what? Frost "Athena elegant insect body, she doesn’t care about the foot flower fireflies. The eyes of the wise man burst into resentment, saying that communication is more like soliloquy.
In addition to resentment, the flower firefly wise man has a little surprise. There is a huge screen erected in the room. Athena has been paying attention to the situation outside the ship. It is extremely rare for the entomologist to get a mother emperor’s body. Then …
Is about to fly to the end of the channel, the phantom of the opera, suddenly stopped to Lin momo slightly thoughtfully gently murmured "phantom of the opera red-violet block double B-class ship lighter explosion star mans big move"
The speed of the two-headed worm king is fast enough, but how fast would the Phantom of the Opera sprint?
"Boom" sonic boom screeched in place, leaving a cloud of ship shadows like aerosol. Where is the Phantom of the Opera in the channel when the star mountain trembled slightly? The hull mysteriously disappeared.
The passage of the four access points of the strategic worm tower can be described as complicated, but the breath leaked by the mother emperor when she is angry can’t go wrong. Since there is no mistake in the nursery, the front should be the mother’s nest.
When Phantom of the Opera reappears, it has entered the mother nest, and two claws behind the stern waved past Lin momo, and the detachment speed will avoid the attack. However, the scene in the mother nest is shocking.
There are two-headed worms, twelve-legged scythe, and two-headed worms, the king of sharp-horned worms. In addition to these, there is a huge meat mountain with a pair of discerning small eyes glued to the Phantom of the Opera.
Let Lin momo scalp pins and needles is definitely not the zerg, but the huge meat mountain. There is also a deeper channel leading to the insect tower. It seems that the strategic insect tower is beyond imagination.
"Before momo, the mother emperor is judged to be a false mother emperor according to the breath. The real mother emperor should be the one who has entered the insect tower for a long time. Obviously, the true mother emperor can recklessly treat the false mother emperor as cannon fodder," Athena said slowly.
There was a huge noise in the rear passage of Phantom of the Opera, and a mass of green light blocked the retreat. Let’s not say what kind of way the real mother emperor would prepare behind the scenes, even if the "fake mother emperor" was in front of him, it would be difficult to deal with.
"Do or die? It’s better to put out the false mother emperor first. "Lin momo became serious. He didn’t give the Zerg a chance to suddenly smash the screen in front of him.
Volume 15 Insect robbery! Seven get together Chapter 9 Universiade